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Copyright 2024
Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Public Health Division

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Public Health Division

The Public Health Division is committed to safeguarding and enhancing the health and well-being of all residents through proactive, preventive, and promotive health strategies. This division focuses on creating a healthy environment and promoting healthy lifestyles, aiming to reduce the burden of disease and improve the quality of life across the county.

Key Roles

Disease Prevention and Control
The division implements programs aimed at preventing the spread of infectious diseases, including vaccination campaigns, disease surveillance, and outbreak response. It also addresses non-communicable diseases through health education and screening programs.

Environmental Health
Ensuring a safe and clean environment is critical to public health. The division oversees sanitation services, waste management, water quality monitoring, and vector control activities to prevent the spread of diseases related to environmental factors.

Health Education and Promotion
Empowering the community with knowledge about health risks and healthy practices is central to the division’s work. Through various outreach programs, the division educates the public on nutrition, hygiene, family planning, and lifestyle choices that promote well-being.

Maternal and Child Health
The division runs programs aimed at improving maternal and child health outcomes. These include antenatal care, immunization drives, nutritional support, and safe childbirth initiatives to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.

Community Health Services
Engaging with communities through health volunteers and local health committees ensures that public health services are accessible and responsive to the needs of the population. The division works closely with these groups to deliver essential health services at the grassroots level.

Health Policy and Regulation
The Public Health Division is responsible for the enforcement of health regulations, including the inspection of food premises, monitoring of occupational health standards, and ensuring compliance with public health laws to protect the population from health hazards.

Ongoing Projects

Open Defecation Free (ODF) Campaign
A major initiative to ensure that all households in Kilifi County have access to proper sanitation facilities, with the goal of eliminating open defecation and improving hygiene practices by 2024.

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
This approach empowers communities to take charge of their sanitation needs, resulting in sustainable improvements in hygiene and cleanliness across the county.

Vaccination Drives
Regular immunization campaigns are conducted to protect children and adults from preventable diseases such as polio, measles, and hepatitis.

The Public Health Division is dedicated to fostering a healthier Kilifi County through strategic public health initiatives that address both immediate health concerns and long-term well-being.