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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi

Health and Sanitation Services > Uzazi Salama Kilifi Visit

Uzazi Salama Kilifi Visit

The Uzazi Salama Kilifi Programme stakeholders, including the Kilifi Department of Health, M-Pesa Foundation, and Amref Health Africa in Kenya, undertook a site visit today. The team visited Mjanaheri Dispensary and Marafa Sub-county Hospital.
The objective of this visit was to conduct a progress evaluation of the ongoing project, which focuses on Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health. The team interacted with program beneficiaries, collected testimonials from the communities, and gleaned insights from shared experiences regarding the challenges faced and potential improvements. Additionally, they sought to address deficiencies in maternity care, such as equipment and staffing issues.
This collaboration exemplifies the dedication of the Kilifi County Government to providing high-quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare to its inhabitants. We express our gratitude to our dedicated partners for their contribution towards achieving this objective.
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July 26, 2024