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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Nutrition Services Division

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Nutrition Services Division

The Nutrition Services Division is dedicated to improving the nutritional status of the population in Kilifi County. Recognizing the critical role that nutrition plays in overall health, this division focuses on providing comprehensive nutritional care and support, especially to vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant and lactating women, and individuals with chronic illnesses.

Key Functions
Nutritional Assessment and Counseling

Individualized Care

The division offers nutritional assessments to identify the specific needs of individuals. This includes assessing dietary intake, nutritional deficiencies, and overall health status to provide tailored nutritional advice and counseling.
Counseling Services

Nutritionists provide one-on-one counseling to guide individuals in making healthier food choices, managing special dietary needs, and addressing issues like malnutrition and obesity.
Maternal and Child Nutrition

Prenatal and Postnatal Support

The division ensures that pregnant and lactating women receive proper nutritional support to promote healthy pregnancies and breastfeeding. This includes providing supplements like iron and folic acid and educating mothers on proper infant and young child feeding practices.
Growth Monitoring

Regular growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) sessions are conducted for children under five to track their growth and development, identify cases of malnutrition early, and provide the necessary interventions.
Community Nutrition Programs

Outreach and Education

The division engages communities through outreach programs that educate the public on the importance of good nutrition. This includes promoting kitchen gardening, dietary diversification, and the use of locally available foods to improve dietary intake.
Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

Campaigns are conducted to encourage positive dietary practices, such as reducing the intake of processed foods and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Management of Malnutrition

Therapeutic Feeding Programs

The division operates therapeutic feeding programs for children and adults suffering from acute malnutrition. These programs provide ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) and other specialized nutrition products to help individuals recover from malnutrition.
Supplementary Feeding

For those at risk of malnutrition, supplementary feeding programs provide additional food support to prevent the onset of severe malnutrition, particularly in vulnerable populations like children under five and pregnant women.
School Nutrition Programs

School Feeding Initiatives

In collaboration with the Department of Education, the division supports school feeding programs aimed at improving the nutritional status of school-aged children. These programs help enhance academic performance and reduce absenteeism by ensuring children receive at least one nutritious meal per day.
Nutrition Education in Schools

The division also integrates nutrition education into school curriculums to teach children about the importance of healthy eating habits from an early age.
Nutrition in Emergencies

Response and Preparedness

In times of crisis, such as drought or floods, the division coordinates the distribution of food and nutritional supplements to affected populations. Emergency nutrition interventions are critical in preventing malnutrition during such periods.
Partnerships with Relief Organizations

The division works closely with organizations like UNICEF, WFP, and other humanitarian agencies to ensure a rapid and effective nutrition response during emergencies.
Support for Chronic Illnesses

Nutritional Care for NCDs

For individuals with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, the division provides specialized nutritional care to manage their conditions and improve their quality of life.
HIV/AIDS Nutrition Support

The division also focuses on providing nutritional support to people living with HIV/AIDS to enhance their immune function and overall well-being.
Monitoring and Evaluation

Tracking Progress

The division regularly monitors the impact of its nutrition programs through surveys, data collection, and analysis. This helps in assessing the effectiveness of interventions and making necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.
Data-Driven Decision Making

Information gathered from monitoring activities is used to guide policy decisions and the allocation of resources, ensuring that nutrition programs are both effective and sustainable.
Capacity Building and Training

Training Health Workers

The division provides training for healthcare workers on the latest nutrition guidelines, protocols, and practices. This ensures that frontline workers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver high-quality nutritional care.
Community Health Volunteers (CHVs)

The division also trains CHVs to extend nutrition services to the community level, making it easier to reach remote and underserved populations.
Ongoing Initiatives
Scaling Up of Maternal and Child Nutrition Services

Efforts are being made to expand maternal and child nutrition programs to more communities across Kilifi County, focusing on improving maternal health and reducing childhood malnutrition.
Integration of Nutrition Services in Primary Healthcare

The division is working to integrate nutrition services more seamlessly into primary healthcare, making it easier for individuals to access comprehensive care during routine health visits.
Promotion of Nutritional Diversity

Programs aimed at promoting dietary diversity and the consumption of locally grown, nutrient-rich foods are being enhanced to improve overall dietary practices among the population.

The Nutrition Services Division is committed to improving the nutritional health of the people of Kilifi County. By focusing on prevention, early detection, and effective management of nutritional issues, the division plays a critical role in enhancing the well-being of the community and supporting the broader goals of the county’s health agenda.