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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Health Promotion and Education Division

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Health Promotion and Education Division

The Health Promotion and Education Division is at the forefront of empowering communities with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health. This division focuses on preventive healthcare, fostering healthy behaviors, and creating environments that support the well-being of all residents.

Key Roles

Community Health Education

Health Campaigns

The division organizes and executes public health campaigns targeting key health issues such as malaria prevention, HIV/AIDS awareness, and vaccination drives. These campaigns aim to educate the public on disease prevention, healthy lifestyles, and the importance of regular health check-ups.
School Health Programs

Collaborating with the Department of Education, the division implements health education programs in schools to promote hygiene, nutrition, and physical activity among students. These programs are designed to instill healthy habits from a young age.

Behavior Change Communication (BCC):

Workshops and Training

The division conducts workshops and training sessions for community health workers, teachers, and local leaders, equipping them with the tools to effectively communicate health messages and promote behavior change within their communities.
Media Engagement

Utilizing local radio stations, social media, and print media, the division disseminates health information to a wider audience, ensuring that key health messages reach every corner of Kilifi County.
Health Policy Advocacy:

Sanitation and Hygiene Initiatives

The division leads efforts to promote sanitation and hygiene practices, including the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach, which encourages communities to build and use latrines, practice handwashing, and maintain clean environments. These efforts contribute to the county’s goal of becoming Open Defecation Free (ODF).
Tobacco and Substance Abuse Prevention

Advocacy programs aimed at reducing tobacco use and substance abuse are integral to the division’s work. By promoting policies that restrict the sale and use of harmful substances, the division helps protect the health of the population.
Maternal and Child Health Promotion

Immunization Programs

The division plays a critical role in increasing immunization coverage by educating parents and caregivers about the importance of vaccinating children against preventable diseases. Regular outreach programs ensure that even the most remote areas have access to immunization services.
Nutrition Education

The division promotes proper nutrition practices among pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under five years of age. Through community-based programs, the division provides education on breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and the prevention of malnutrition.
Chronic Disease Prevention:

Lifestyle Modification Programs

To combat the rising incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension, the division promotes lifestyle changes such as increased physical activity, healthy eating, and regular medical check-ups. These programs are designed to prevent the onset of chronic conditions and manage them effectively if they occur.
Health Screening Initiatives

Regular health screenings for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer are organized to catch diseases early and provide timely interventions.
Environmental Health

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Programs

The division advocates for safe drinking water, proper waste disposal, and hygiene practices across the county. By improving access to clean water and promoting hygienic practices, the division helps prevent waterborne diseases and improve overall community health.

Vector Control: Education on preventing mosquito breeding and other vector control measures is a key aspect of the division’s work, particularly in combating malaria and other vector-borne diseases.
Ongoing Projects:

Kenya Sanitation Enabling Environment Project (KSEEP)

In partnership with USAID and UNICEF, this project focuses on improving sanitation and hygiene practices across Kilifi County. The division’s role includes community mobilization, education, and monitoring progress toward Open Defecation Free (ODF) status.
Thumbay University Collaboration

Through this partnership, healthcare workers from Kilifi County are receiving specialized training in health promotion and education, enhancing their ability to deliver effective health education programs.
Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Empowerment
The division continues to train and support CHVs, who are critical in delivering health education and promotion services at the grassroots level.
The Health Promotion and Education Division is committed to fostering a healthier Kilifi County by empowering individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to lead healthier lives. Through a comprehensive approach that includes education, advocacy, and community engagement, the division strives to prevent disease, promote health, and enhance the overall well-being of the county’s residents.