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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Maternal and Child Health

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Maternal and Child Health

Neonatal deaths refer to the death of a newborn within the first 28 days of life. This period is known as the neonatal period and is further divided into:

  • Early Neonatal Deaths: Occurring within the first seven days of life.
  • Late Neonatal Deaths: Occurring from the eighth day to the 28th day of life.

Neonatal deaths are a significant concern in public health, as they often reflect the quality of maternal and newborn care. The leading causes of neonatal deaths include preterm birth complications, birth asphyxia (lack of oxygen during birth), infections (such as sepsis or pneumonia), and congenital anomalies (birth defects).

Efforts to reduce neonatal mortality focus on improving access to and quality of prenatal care, skilled birth attendance, timely medical interventions, and ensuring newborns receive proper care immediately after birth.