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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi

Health and Sanitation Services > Eye screening and advocacy

Eye screening and advocacy

In honor of International Women’s Day, the Department of Health and Sanitation Services partnered with the Fred Hollow’s Foundation to organize a special event. This event, held at Mwembekati Chonyi, featured an eye screening and advocacy initiative to promote eye health in the community.
The event highlighted the importance of focusing on women’s well-being and empowerment, recognizing their crucial roles in families and communities. It aimed to address not just physical health, but also broader social and gender-related issues.
The Fred Hollows Foundation’s community-focused initiative emphasized the value of women, especially in their roles within households. It highlighted the impact of their absence on daily activities.
Events like the eye screening initiative in Kilifi County on International Women’s Day serve as a reminder of the ongoing need to prioritize women’s health and empowerment. By supporting initiatives that promote gender equity, healthcare access, and community involvement, we can create a future where all women can thrive and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the Department of Gender, Culture and Social Services for graciously hosting us and facilitating this monumental service to our community.
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March 8, 2024